Samson Mow

Samson Mow



Samson Mow is the world renowned inventor of the Proof of Hat consensus mechanism. Proof of Hat was first utilized in the Bitcoin Civil War, and later leveraged by Cryptocandy creator Elon Musk to launch The Boring Company. Samson and his hats also have an inexplicable link to Bitcoin’s mysterious creator. Monero lead developer Riccardo Spagni made the shocking discovery that “I took a Samson hat” is an anagram of Satoshi Nakamoto. When he isn’t advancing the field of hat design, Samson acts as the social media intern for Blockstream, and also directs the development team at Pixelmatic to make things bigger or different colors.

Mir Liponi

Mir Liponi

Chief Hat Officer


Mir Liponi has always been a hat enthusiast since she was a child. At 9 years old, she was already wearing hats, caps, bonnets, stetson, toques, helmets, bearskins, lids, titfers, homburgs, boaters, bowlers, and trilbies for all the major startups on the Italian fintech scene. Mir also works with financial incumbents: at 21, she took a picture with a fez for a major Swiss bank. As she discovered Excellion’s products in 2016, she soon understood their disruptive potential and decided to become a full-time hat model. In her spare time, Mir reports on the latest cryptoeconomic trends and ghost-writes Giacomo Zucco’s tweet storms.

Gabriele Domenichini

Gabriele Domenichini



Born and raised in Bologna, Italy, Gabriele Domenichini is today a world-famous Bitcoiner, investor, and stylist. He manages (and directly consumes a great part of) the huge propaganda budget of the infamous BitcoinCore-Illuminati-Bilderberg-Reptilian-Borgstream-Annunaki-MenInBlack-Dragon’sDen Consortium. He shills vaporware for the Consortium as a profession, but he secretly enjoys doing so – so much that he would gladly shill it for free. But don’t tell this to the Consortium. As Gabriele is an advisor to the Excellion store, we consider ourselves to be an Italian fashion brand.